Complete questions a-i before you make the decision to breed.
- For the next bitch you plan to breed:
- a. Her littermates: ____ males ____female (If not known -5pts)
- b. Their conformation - Stick Dog Pedigree (if competed __/__/____) + 15 pts
- c. Their health history - Symbols Pedigree (if competed __/__/____) + 15 pts
- d. Based on a - c list 4 of her strengths (if listed + 10 pts)
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________ - e. List her 4 weaknesses (if listed + 10 pts)
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________ - The Sire considered for the bitch above:
- f. Number of littermates ____males ____females (If not known - 5 pts)
- g. Their conformation - Stick Dog Pedigree. (If completed __/__/____ + 15 pts)
- h. There health history - Symbols Chart Pedigree (If completed __/__/____ + 15 pts)
- i. Based on f - h list 4 of his strengths (if listed + 10pts)
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________ - j. List his 4 weaknesses (if listed + 10 pts)
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
Is your bitch
____ line bred (+ 10pts)
____ inbred (+ 10pts)
____ outcrossed (+ 5pts)
The candidate sire:
____ line bred (+ 10pts)
____ inbred (+ 10pts)
____ outcrossed (+ 5pts)
Total ____ pts
1 - 40pts is high risk
41 - 60 pts is medium risk
61 + pts is low risk